At CashAfrica, we’re driven by the belief that technology can not only simplify lives but change behaviors for the better. That's why when the opportunity to exhibit at Moonshot by TechCabal, one of the largest tech conferences in Africa, presented itself, we saw it as the perfect platform to showcase CashTap — our contactless payment solution that’s revolutionizing how people interact with payments.

A Mission Beyond Payments

The payment landscape in Africa is evolving, but there’s still a lot of skepticism and confusion surrounding contactless payment systems. Many users wonder, "Will my phone authorize payments in my absence?" It's a valid concern, and one we aimed to address head-on at Moonshot.

At the event, we educated people on the technology behind CashTap and how our solution guarantees both speed and security. With CashTap, users can rest assured that payments can only be made after explicit authorization, meaning there is no risk of accidental or unauthorized transactions. Our mission is not just about making payments easier; it's about making them smarter and more secure.

Changing Consumer Behavior

We knew going into Moonshot that changing consumer behavior isn't easy. A lot of startups shy away from events like this because they are perceived as PR stunts or a waste of resources. But for us, exhibiting was about so much more. We believe that in order to change how people think about payments, they need to experience the ease and convenience firsthand. And what better place to do that than at a conference filled with tech-savvy attendees eager to explore the latest innovations?

By showcasing CashTap, we gave hundreds of users the opportunity to experience the seamlessness, speed, and security of contactless payments in a hands-on way. The feedback was immediate and overwhelmingly positive. Many who were unfamiliar with the technology walked away impressed with how quickly and securely they could make payments using our app.

Building Strategic Relationships

Another critical reason for exhibiting at Moonshot was the opportunity to connect with potential partners and investors. The event gave us a platform to network with some of the brightest minds and most influential players in Africa’s tech and fintech space. We engaged in meaningful conversations that we believe will lead to future partnerships and collaborations.

The exposure and credibility we’ve gained from participating in such a high-profile event cannot be understated. It’s a significant step toward building awareness and trust around CashTap and our broader mission at CashAfrica.

The Verdict: It Was Worth It

Yes, we’ve heard the arguments that exhibiting at conferences is all about PR, but for us, it was a vital part of our strategy. Building a tech product that aims to change consumer behavior requires more than digital marketing and word-of-mouth. It requires direct engagement, where people can experience the solution firsthand, ask questions, and leave with a deeper understanding of how it works.

At Moonshot, we were able to achieve that — and more. We educated the masses, connected with future partners, and, most importantly, laid the groundwork for future growth in the contactless payment ecosystem in Africa.

For us, this was not just another event; it was a game-changer.

Final Thoughts

Being at Moonshot by TechCabal was not just a decision to exhibit for the sake of it. It was about being part of a larger conversation about the future of payments and technology in Africa. CashAfrica exists to change the way people think about and interact with their finances, and this event gave us the platform to begin making that change on a larger scale.

We look forward to continuing our mission of bringing seamless, fast, and secure payments to all Africans with CashTap. Watch this space — we’re just getting started!